Veneer Pavers and Pool Coping
Ideal for pool and patio remodels
These pavers come as a combination
set of three pattern fitting sizes, and merge with our pool tailored drop-front coping.
Colors: All four colors blends and Black
Profiles: Standard (Pillow-top)
and Townscape (Mitered Flat top)
Height: 1.18 inch (30mm)
5½ x 8¼ inches / 240 units *
5½ x 5½ inches / 80 units *
5½ x 2⅜ inches / 80 units *
*units per size on pallet
Weight: 1400 lbs
Coverage: 100 SqFt
Pool Edge Coping
Top: 4 x 9 inches
with 4½ inch fall
Installs 3 pieces per linear foot
Coping Pallet:
Weight: 1128 lbs
Units: 240